Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I'll listen to you but perhaps, 


I like it-like it, come on

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Friday, April 22, 2011

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Saturday, April 16, 2011


I dont know why when people said

1) Dah tak ada jodoh, redha jela. But I am still waiting.

2) God knows what is He doing. I am still waiting.

3) Patah tumbuh, hilang berganti Lela. I am still waiting.

4) Barang yang lepas usah dikenang. Lagi dikenang lagi parah. I am still waiting.

5) Past is past, all you need to do is MOVE ON. I am still waiting.

6) Dah, jangan nak drama sangat la perempuan. Aku geli. I am still waiting.

7) Kau menangis air mata darah sekalipun, bukannya dia datang balik. I am still waiting.

8) Cuba bagitau aku, apa kau dapat dengan perangai kau macam ni? I am still waiting.

9) Dia tengah berseronok dekat sana, sikit pun tak ingat dekat kau. Kau nak sengsara dekat sini buat apa? Sedar sikit boleh tak. I am still waiting.

10) Bengap sangat ni kenapa? Jangan sampai aku tampar kau Lela. Suka bagi aku panas, dah dekat DUA TAHUN weh. Sampai bila kau nak jadi macam ni. Idiot. I am still waiting and suddenly my tears drop down on the floor. 

Yes, I was crying like AGAIN. Just because now I realize that they will never understand and yet,  
I am still waiting.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sunday, April 10, 2011

White Kenari

Perodua Kenari 1.0 Aerosport Auto-07

I just dont care if people punya dream car is like BMW 3 Series Convertible ke, 5 Series Gran Turismo ke, 7 Series Active Hybrid ke. I JUST DONT CARE. All Im asking is to have this simple white kenari up here. Like NOW. Haha. Teringin sangat nak drive my own car pergi class. I repeat, my OWN car ye. Asyik drive afiq punya kereta je pergi sana sini. Sigh.

But its okay, sangat bersyukur dengan apa yang ada sekarang. Thank God, thanks Mama and Abah. Actually I took these pictures from Mudah which costs RM 33 800. Bapak mahal, baik beli baru je 40 K lebih je tak banyak beza pun kan. Haha. But seriously if ada rezeki Insyallah :)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Love the make-ups




Annoying euwww!
No need Mak Andam, I can make-up by myself :)

Kau Pergi Jua - Dayang Nurfaizah

Serious shit sebak dengar lagu ni -___-

D'Masiv - Rindu Setengah Mati

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Malam Pra-Graduan

5 April, 2011 Malam Pra-Graduan. I'll be missing it.

Friday, April 1, 2011

The wish

Nur Kasih The Movie

Pleaseeeeeeeeee dong, can't wait to watch this movie eventhough my favourite Sharifah Sofia dah tak berlakon dah dalam movie ni also if you guys perasan Ummi Nazeera pun dah tak ada kan (ex-girlfriend Remy Ishak). I just don't care la wei, haha sebab why semua diorang nak bagi mati? Katrina mati. Aliya pun mati. Ni before tengok  movie ni entah-entah Adam pun mati. Oh lupa, it's malay movie! No wonder lah. Hehe.

Deep in my heart, I extremely wish to watch this movie with someone who very very important in my life. Yela, at that time dah ada dekat my hometown so.. so.. so.. hope that he will be there too. Takut la if berharap banyak sangat, tak dapat nanti sedih pun banyak la jugak kan. But the truth, semua kekuatan dan semangat yang aku dapat untuk teruskan hidup is actually from this movie jugak. Just imagine, Nur Amina waits for Adam for 4 years, aku baru setahun lebih if nak compare sekejap je tu. Sigh (sampai bila la kan). Nevermind, I do believe in jodoh. So, bak kata katrina : I redha dengan apa je.

Quotes of the day

I wish you were here with me, I wish I was there for you. But most of all, I wish I didnt have to wish for you. (SS) -___-

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Now, I feel stress and I do feel it A LOT. Sorry guys, tonight cant join the discussion my mood has already been spoiled just now plus I dont get enough sleep. Two presentations for tomorrow morning like come on man are you kidding me? Unfortunately I dont prepare anything at all. God, please forgive me because I only think of you when having a problem :'( Im sorry. Honestly, Im sorry. Ungrateful? Yes I am. Greedy? Ya I know. Selfish? I think so. Showing off? Ouh please, I am these bad things okay. Okay okay, got it. Thanks for reminding (I am also an ordinary person). How I wish I have someone to talk to, to hear all my problems, to share all my stories. Eventhough theres a plenty of friends, still feels like alone, why why why. Asking a question which I have already know the answer is very very stupid. 

Me : Why am I always feel like no peace in my heart? 

Mama : Because you always forgot your pray. Thats it. Thats all. 

Note : Generally, for those who feels hurt by me. I apologize okay, no matter who you are. No matter how big is my mistakes. Also, Im putting my ego to the lowest and say sorry for everything. Last but not least thanks ma, you know me better than myself. Imissyou :'(

Friday, March 18, 2011

Movies for this week

Dah tengok.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Movie Marathon

9 March 2011, Jehan and I went to watch movies at Cineleisure Damansara. Although it was just two of us but still we had lots of fun. Dinner at teh tarik place was awesomeee! Gosip sana gosip sini, well girl stuffs biasa la tu kan haha. My first time, tengok dua movie berturut-turut. First movie, 127 hours second movie, beastly.

Oh my god, I feel extremely satisfied cause COME ON MAN, rm6 per movie? Like two for rm12? Haha. Luckily I have classes which ended late in the evening that day, if not, four or five orrr six consecutive movies a day. Pergh what else can be better huh. Anyway, thanks Jehan if ada masa lagi I wish to watch Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa well yes! Cerita melayu haha.

1. 127 Hours

5 stars. Handsome hero (James Franco). Full of lessons. Touched. 

2. Beastly

3 stars. Yeah Mary Kate jadi witch. Hero boleh tahan je (Alex Pettyfer). Overall, biasa je. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Bruno Mars-Grenade

Sama kan? Serious muka macam sama gila dengan dia. Ah kau lela, semua lelaki kau tengok macam dia. Dah-dah la tu, forget it. Sampai bila la wei nak macam ni. Sigh. 

Yes, I would die for for you baby
But you won't do the same 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Dialogue

Cik Nin (Ummi Nazeera) : Selama ni Nin tunggu abang dekat sini, abang masih cintakan Nin ke? Abang masih teringatkan Nin macam dulu ke? Itu je yang Nin nak tau bang. Tiap-tiap hari Nin tunggu abang . . Nin tau abang cintakan Nin,  Nin tau sangat bang . . tapi Nin jugak nak tau sama ada perasaan Nin ni benar atau sebaliknya.

Penyanyi sebenar : Rahim Maarof-Cinta Kristal

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Rite

At first cerita ni agak bosan, tapi lama-lama tengok best gila. Part tengah and ending dia memang puas hati, so siapa yang tak tengok lagi, sila lah. Tak rugi, serious berbaloi-baloi, haha. Anthony Hopkins (Father Lucas) walaupun dah tua tapi aku rasa comel sangat. Most important is I love you Collin O'donoghue (Michael Kovak), handsome gila pandai dia main watak serious dalam cerita ni, macho. Meleleh air liur tengok, rasa macam nak minta couple je haha. Overall, 5 stars. 

Thursday, February 17, 2011


It hurts the most when you can actually feel your heart breaking,

I've just wasted my 8 months and a half for being stupid, thanks 15 February as it becomes an end between us. I've learned the lessons already. Just need some more times to figure this out, pleaseee 

Monday, February 14, 2011

Selamat mengawan!

Happy valentine's day everyone, especially for those yang ada couple, ayat biasa 'untung la ada orang sayang' haha. Aku tau haram bagi umat Islam sambut, so okay no comment. Hehe. Tahun ni masuk tahun ke-2 aku berseorangan di hari valentine. Aku tak laku? Haish, jangan la cakap macam tu doh, 'belum ada yang berkenan di hati' kan ke lebih sopan tu. Haha anyway who cares? Ramai je single rileks sudah (nak sedapkan hati). 

Yela mengingatkan first time aku dapat bunga rose merah, 3 tahun sudah. Sangat manis, masa keluar pegi makan kat mamak pelita, ada orang tu cakap nak pegi toilet sekejap tapi tunggu punya tunggu pergh, bapak lama berak taik batu ke apa haha. Tak apa lah kan, lepas tu nak masuk dalam kereta sekali ternampak ada sekuntum bunga rose tersepit di stereng kereta. So aku pun macam, okay nak senyum sampai ke telinga boleh? Haha. Rupa-rupanya masa dia nak pegi toilet tu, dia berlari-lari belikan bunga letak dalam kereta. Malas nak cakap, tapi nak cakap jugak lah. So sweeeeeeeeeet, haha. Thanks. 

Tapi sekarang semua dah lain, tengok rose merah rasa macam nak pijak-pijak je. Okay dah, lantak situ. So, kepada boyfriend-boyfriend di luar sana come on man, show some love, bukan selalu pun nak jiwang so jangan kedekut sangat la kan. Confirm malam ni pukul 8 kat TV3 keluar berita ramai yang kena tangkap basah di hotel-hotel murahan. Tu lagi satu tak ada otak, otak taruk kat lutut agaknya. Akaii ada ka? Bodoh sangat pegi mengawan hari ni buat apa, cuba pegi time raya ke sebab masa tu Jais sibuk makan rendang, ketupat, lemang layan tetamu datang rumah apa semua. Opss!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Nak emo lagi

The saddest thing in life, when you're loving someone who used to love you.

True or Dare

Thanks to dekya, ein, afiq, subhee, and also ajim for last night. Daripada lepak dekat syed bistro (alam sentral) terus ke rumah mona fandey AGAIN, lepas tu pegi main badminton dekat dataran shah alam. Upacara penutupnya, kitorang main game true or dare atas cadangan subhee. Antara syarat-syaratnya ialah :

1. Apabila disoal anda mesti menjawab dengan betul dan JUJUR sahaja tidak mengira apa jenis soalan sekalipun. 

2. Setiap orang mesti menyoal dan menjawab sekurang-kurangnya 1 kali. 

3. Tanya lah apa-apa soalan sekalipun especially kepada rakan yang anda tidak berpuas hati atau anda yang tidak berpuas hati kepada mereka.

4. Paling penting, JANGAN BERGADUH. Seharusnya tanya soalan dengan cara yang paling baik dan sopan. 

5. Setelah selesai, jangan ada yang tersinggung atau 'touching'. Orang kata, cerita situ habis situ, be sporting and open-minded as well.

Perkara di atas antara 5 syarat yang boleh aku fikir, korang semua boleh buat syarat sendiri actually. Sesuai la main dengan member baik, budak kelas ke, budak rumah ke, rakan se-office ke, hehe. Ika, we wish you were here buddy tettt -_-

Thursday, February 10, 2011

HB Brooo

Happy Birthday,

Happy twenty-first birthday to my beloved old friend, Denny. May your life be brighter as each birthday comes and goes, with new happiness unfolding like the petal of a rose. Tak sangka almost 14 tahun dah kita kawan supposedly since standard two isn't it, serious shit kau kawan aku yang paling lama. Other than our classmates sekolah rendah dulu-dulu kan, hehe. Rinduuu kot.

Thanks for being my good friend selama ni doh, you know how much I love you right (as a friend lah, haish). Banyak betul kenangan-kenangan kita dulu especially masa form 4 dengan form 5 kot waktu aku dekat gopeng dulu haha, and also I feel very sorry for your N-Gage's lost. Dia nak suruh kau beli BB Bold 3 la tu kan, bukan selalu pun apa salahnya. Kata bekerja keras selama ni kan, eceh.

Sudah-sudah la asyik nak repair je memanjang, beli terus kan senang. Anyway, aku harap kau still lagi maintain good-good as before (sarcastic ni doh) and whatever dream you're dreaming, may each one of them come true, or whatever plans you're making may they all work out for you. Hee.

'And in  the end, it is not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years'-Abraham Lincoln

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Qoutes of the day

Turn your wounds into wisdom-Oprah Winfrey

which means, learn from your mistakes.  

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Late night

Today is my happy day, faidhi, azim, din, hafiz, awni, anuar zain (who was din's friend, I dont know his actual name but people called him macam tu), and also  syabil. Lepak dekat pelita taiping sentral. Lepas tu we went to open karaoke which is nearby kamunting's petronas, itu pun after searching a few places yang ada karaoke but unfortunately kalau bukan sebab dah tutup then maybe it was fully booked. Boleh tahan lama jugak nak tunggu turn menyanyi, but nevermind it was fun by the way. Well CNY in Taiping, biasa lah tu kan. Semuanya nak penuh. 

Anyway, tak tahu la nak explain macam mana betapa gembiranya bila dapat jumpa. Rasa macam nak menangis pun ada yela, rindu (hate to express this kind of emotions actually). But then as usual mesti nak kena cover baik punya, tak kan nak tunjuk kot. Well it was like, no way man. Haha, thanks faidhi I owe you a lot because of this wonderful man. Honestly, I do miss our old times with him. Sigh.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Wishing you a Happy and Prosperous Chinese New Year The Year of Rabbit

Marjorie Conrad (antm)

Can I be skinny like herrr? God damn it, she's so gorgeous.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Mona Fandey

Lawatan ke rumah Mona Fandey

Tempat : Seksyen 12, Shah Alam

Masa : 8.00 - 9.00 malam

Tarikh : 27 January 2011 ( malam Jumaat )

Peserta : Farah Wahidah, Haslinda, Muhd Afiq  ( pemandu kereta ), dan Fatin Delaila

At first, masuk je lorong tu rasa seram sejuk. Rumah banglo besar sebelah kiri, afiq memandu kereta dengan perlahan melalui bahagian hadapan rumah. Jalan dia sangat sunyi dan menakutkan.

Farah Wahidah : Mana rumahnya wei? Mana?

Haslinda : Ni dekya sebelah kiri ni. Ni lah.

Muhd Afiq : Wei, kita nak berhenti dekat mana ni? 

Fatin Delaila ( aku ) : Afiq, jangan berhenti, jalan terus. Aku cakap jalan terus. 

Afiq pun teruskan perjalanan. Kitorang dah rasa semacam takut sangat so tak jadi berhenti, lalu je depan rumah dia. Nak keluar dari situ kitorang terpaksa lalu lagi sekali rumah tu, jalan dia kena naik bukit sikit yang mana menyebabkan kereta jadi perlahan. Haish. After that, macam-macam cerita keluar. Haha. Whatever it is, pengalaman yang tak dapat dilupakan. Thanks guys. Te amo :)



Afiq and me watched khurafat last week only for rm9 each person at sunway pyramid, it's worth it. Well done Syamsul Yusof, sebab aku baru je ingat nak bomohkan 'someone' untuk suka dekat aku (desperate gila) tapi terus tak jadi after watch this movie. (Just kidding). Hantu kejar balik kita buat apa. Dah orang tak nak, blah la cari lain apa susah.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Feel like crying

When I see you smile and know that is not for me, thats when I miss you the most :'(

Monday, January 24, 2011


Okay that day was shahnol's birthday, kalau tak kerana tertulis dekat facebook kitorang pun actually tak tau. So, thanks banyak-banyak dekat facebook ye sebab jadi our reminder.Tak ada hadiah untuk beliau so kitorang joget chicken dance je untuk dia. Haha. Walaupun kau banyak merepek sampai kitorang sakit hati, anyway you are still our friend. Happy birthday shahnol.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

AMP Square Sunway Pyramid

I am the fotographer, yeah well done lela !