Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Welcome home

Welcome to the new/last semester


Ni gambar masa lawatan KLIA, dekat kedai perfume bodyshop. Tengok tu sanggul tak nak kalah. Haha. Candid ni candid. Dah nak masuk semester 6 dah, semester last. Insyallah kalau takde apa-apa yang menghalang bulan 4 atau 5 tahun depan habis la. Yeay! Sepanjang 2 tahun setengah dekat politeknik macam-macam dugaan yang aku tempuh. Masalah, masalah, masalah. Tu jela yang berlaku sepanjang masa. This semester punya pointer bapak dissapointed gila tapi alhamdulillah semuanya lulus.

Result practical cemerlang, alhamdulillah once again. Aku admit la yang semester ni memang enjoy habis, pantang weekend je mesti ada plan nak ke sana-sini. Haish. Tak boleh jadi. Semester last ni aku dah bertekad dan berazam, cewah! Aku nak study betul-betul nak bagi dapat pointer lebih sikit. Eh tak, lebih banyak sikit dari yang sebelum-sebelum ni. No more enjoy, dahla enjoy style tak reti nak beringat. Sorry okay, I have already got the lessons. Actually nak cakap tu je, I will be more hardworking, more studying, more focus on the study. Promise.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Nur Amina

Touching doh !
Tiba-tiba nak rindu zaman Nur Kasih, aiyo

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Short story

Read this,

A boyfriend gives a challenge to his girlfriend to live a day without him. No communications at all and if she passed it, he will love her forever. The girlfriend suddenly agreed. She did not text or call him the whole day. Without knowing her boyfriend has only 24 hours to live because he is suffering from cancer. She excitedly went to her boyfriend's house the next day. Tears fall as she saw her boyfriend lying on the coffin and write a note on the side. ' You did it baby, can you do it everyday? I love you.


Ku sunyi dalam gembira

Petikan dari lagu Tahajjud Cinta, Siti Nurhaliza.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thank you


I can no other answer make, but
thanks, and thanks

William Shakespeare

For being there for me when I am all alone and also helping me forget my past. Haha cuba teka? We almost did it. Yeay! Em, I guess so lah. Tapi apa-apa pun we did a great job kan. Hehe. Thanks a lot dude. Walaupun at the same time banyak jugak masalah yang timbul kan :)

Monday, November 22, 2010

I Still Believe

After all this time
You'd think that I wouldn't feel the same
But time melts into nothing and nothing has changed

Fried mushroom

Yeay! For the first time in my life,

Aku goreng cendawan sendiri wei

Haha. Bapak bangga sial terhadap diri sendiri. Ye aku tau apedehal cendawan goreng pun nak kecoh. Yes I know sebab korang pandai masak kan? Well congrats to you la tapi untuk aku yang tak reti apa-apa ni memang satu kebanggaan yang tak terhingga. Oh my god, terharu sampai rasa nak keluar air mata. Haha terlebih sudah. Thanks to diba sebab banyak beri tunjuk ajar di sini. Excited gila la shit betul haha.

Gambar di atas actually bukan yang aku masak tu, just upload it from google yela sebab aku pelahap cendawan goreng tu habis-habisan sampai lupa nak amek gambar but then next time I will ya. Trust me yang aku masak was a lot better than gambar di atas haha really proud of myself. Lagi-lagi favourite aku pulak so okay thats good right? Haha. Tapi sedih la abah je sempat merasa, ben keluar. Mama still in Kedah, IPDA. Duk la sibuk buat assigments dia tu orang semua tengah cuti well goodluck to you ma! Love you ya.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

My Hero


Im fucking in love with this kid just because he's so cuteee!

Terasa bahang

Wow! It has been month and a half aku tak tulis apa-apa. Sekarang cuti semester 2 weeks rasa macam 2 months . Haha sebab well you know kalau dekat shah alam its like everyday everynight ada activities yang nak dibuat. At least lepak mamak sampai pukul 4-5 am wajib.

Seriously I do miss them. For finals this sem kira macam the worst ever sebab tak study plus banyak main so aku harap la the result is not gonna be that bad. 26 November ni result weii, shittt. Pleaseee god, I dont want to fail any papers. Promise that I'll be more hardworking on the next semester, seriously. Huhu.

Miss you guys already :(